
22 June 2009

We were never being so bored

We Were Never Being So Bored
«She said: We were never feeling bored
'cause we were never being boring»

Vogliamo che la musica per noi non diventi mai qualcosa di noioso. Vorrebbe dire che lo siamo anche noi. Perché la musica non muore con gli mp3 o il copyright: è con la noia che se ne va, con l'abitudine. Ci basta un collettivo fai-da-te piccolo come un sorriso. Questo è il nostro primo regalo: un ep con quattro cover di una delle canzoni del momento. Parla di noia.

We want music to never turn into something boring for us. It would mean that we have become boring. Because music does not die with mp3's or copyright: boredom is what brings it down, when it becomes a habit. All we need is a small do-it-yourself collective, as tiny as a simple smile. This is our first gift: an ep with four covers of a popular song. It talks about boredom.

We Were Never Being So Bored ep
Four Wavves covers by:

1. Le Man Avec Les Lunettes - (mp3)

2. Death In Donut Plains - (mp3)

3. His Clancyness - (mp3)

4. Dj Minaccia - (mp3)

download WWNBB#001
or buy the 3'' cd - 30 copies limited edition

thank you!

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