
11 September 2010

keep me posted ... in September

There are some great news you have to know, like Welcome Back Sailors' new video "Love's the answer, blame it" (premiere on Delicious Scopitone), nostalgia and Super8... Or their review by Enrico Veronese on September's BLOW UP (7!)
On the same magazine there's also Soda Fountain Rag's review (7!) of the new 10 inches vynil "Reel around me", which has been positively reviewed as well from Tom on

We would like to know a bit more from The Calorifer is Very Hot! that moved to the US....they talk about great news, but for that we have to wait.

We've heard Horrible Present is setting up an awesome live show. updates soon on (where you can find new songs and a very funny video!)

02 September 2010

WWNBB Collective Birthday Party #3

Abbiamo superato indenni l'estate e il primo anno di vita della nostra non etichetta discografica, tranquilli, non siappiamo nemmeno noi come abbiamo fatto. Ma dopo tutti i dischi che abbiamo pubblicato a luglio, avevamo proprio voglia di accendere gli amplificatori e farci una gita al mare.

Il 10 settembre, dalle 21 in poi, A CLASSIC EDUCATION + DEATH IN PLAINS + WELCOME BACK SAILORS. Hana-Bi, Spiaggia 72, Marina di Ravenna.
Qui l'evento di facebook, qui quello di