Saying goodbye to Italy (for a very little while, we hope!), My bubba & Mi invite you to the world! In October the scandinavian trio is going to play at Iceland Airwaves !! But that's not the only good news: during the next weeks the band will play festivals such as Into the Great Wide Open and Noorderzon in the Netherlands. Check their moves at and try not to miss them live!
«Jaakko ja hänen mahtava ukulelensa vuol dire "G e il suo incredibile ukulele" in finlandese. G abita a Helsinki (tra poco si trasferirà a Strasburgo). G ha formato il suo primo gruppo in riva a un lago della Germania Orientale. La musica di G è ispirata ai dischi delle etichette statali AMIGA e MELODIYA. G non è un teenager da cameretta, è un adulto con un lavoro accademico e una famiglia.» (G - Jaakko ja hänen mahtava ukulelensa).
«Jaakko ja hänen mahtava ukulelensa (it means 'Jaaakko and his amazing ukulele' in Finnish) is formed by G and by a ukulele. G sings and the ukulele is played. G lives in Helsinki, Finland (but he is moving to Strasburg). G formed his first band on the shore of an East-German lake in the summer of 1989. The music of G is inspired by AMIGA and MELODIYA records, the ones you can buy in fleamarkets in central Europe. G is no bedroom tween, he is a grown-up man, has an academic job and a family.» (G - Jaakko ja hänen mahtava ukulelensa).